Living in the Light A guide to personal transformation download pdf for free تحميل الكتاب مجانا


living in the light
a guide to personal and planetary transformation

Shakti Gawain
with Laurel King


a guide to personal and planetary transformation Shakti Gawain with Laurel King



Author’s Preface to the Revised Edition 1
Introduction 4
Part One — The Principles
1— A New Way of Life 27
2— The Higher Power Within Us 33
3— Intuition 37
4— Becoming a Creative Channel 44
5— Exploring Our Many Selves 55
6— The World as Our Mirror 63
7— Spirit and Form 75
8— The Male and Female Within 86
9— Men and Women 98
10— East and West: A New Challenge 108


Part Two — Living the Principles
11 — Trusting Intuition 115
12 — Feelings 130
13 — Balancing Being and Doing 138
14 — Authoritarian and Rebel 143
15 — Relationships 149
16 — Our Children 168
17 — Work and Play 179
18 — Money 188
19 — Health 205
20 — Your Perfect Body 214
21 — Life and Death 224
22 — Transforming Our World 228
23 — A Vision 242
Recommended Resources 243

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living in the light
a guide to personal and planetary transformation

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